
Full Stack Software Development &

Brief Skills Info

Angela has a passion for using innovative solutions to solve problems. Using the skills garnered from the EDGE UP Program and her past experiences in Engineering, Project Management and Leadership Angela is excited to strengthen Calgary's tech space.

Detailed Bio

Growing up in Cape Breton, Angela was and still is, a huge Star Trek fan which spurred her interest in technology and its application to solve both simple and complex problems. Moving to Calgary and leveraging her Civil Engineering degree, she has worked on pipelines, developed project management skills, and led a Technology, Development, and Innovation program. In collaboration with a diverse team she played a key role in the implementation and adaptation of a construction technology from one continent to another which included researching and full-scale testing of the technology. She developed a new submission portal to effectively submit, review, approve and track new research ideas and projects to become a much more user-friendly process and increase accessibility for the entire company. After completing the EDGE UP Software Full Stack Development upskilling program, Angela looks forward to using her collaborative and inclusive approach, critical thinking, adaptability, passion, and drive to strengthen Calgary’s tech space.

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